Day: August 5, 2022

DECLUTTER with US (PART 2 of 3) … we’re slobs

Can you believe it? My son thinks we’re slobs!

But he would be right.

I really appreciate that he has the language abilities to tell me his honest opinion without being harsh or disrespectful. I love that he feels safe to tell me his feelings, hopes and goals for a future that he can envision all on his own! I wish I could say the same thing about myself because when I attempted to communicate to my husband about how proud I was of our son, he took offense to our son’s comment about us being “slobs” and wanted to share in the inspiration that my son gave me with our little heart to heart.

Wow hun, where’s the accountability?
You don’t think we’re slobs?
No, never mind. These were just thoughts I was thinking. I didn’t dare tell him what I was thinking. I do NOT feel safe telling my husband my thoughts or feelings, and I really shouldn’t have said anything about my son’s feelings.

I STILL don’t feel safe enough to talk to him about me going back to school, let alone getting the house cleaned up. Heck No!

But I am so glad that my son and I have a relationship of mutual respect and I am so grateful that I am an open-minded mother to allow him to dream about our how in a less slob like state.

Matthew felt encouraged to inspire me some more with every thank you and validating word I gave him. He even called me “Senior Deslob Student”.

He’s too adorable, and too smart for me!

I hope I can live up to his expectations of the house he wants to live in.

It’s too bad that I am too afraid to communicate any of this again to my husband. I hope to continue to inspire my husband by my actions alone… and maybe eventually, my son will get to live in the hope he dreams of.

Music: piano moment by bensound
& Positive Motivation by purple planet
