a card game for my adhd brain

I recorded the first half of this video a long time ago… as you can tell, the volume is different, my voice was peppier and I sounded like I had way too much caffeine. I recorded the 2nd half of the audio today, and I’m not feeling all that “preppy” today. I’m tired, haven’t had caffeine and I’m also just getting over a cold – so please forgive me for the chaotic mess of this video.

It starts off with a hyperspeed video of me making a MAJOR To-Do list. Not just things I need to do, but also a couple of lists that I’d like to do. I divided these two lists in half and assigned a playing card to each of them. Then I reserved the black suit cards to “productive” To-Do things and assigned red suit cards to the preferred things that I’d like to do.

Once the list was created, my camera phone battery was low and I had to “play” the game later. I think I have a total of 5 different videos from 5 different days that I crammed in here. The game of course is meant to be played until I’ve drawn every single card – thus giving me a wide variety of how my days off are spent. But to be honest, I haven’t had a whole lot of time off lately and I haven’t been as disciplined as I’d like to be. Even if I just drew one card a day, that would be better than what I’ve been doing. I’ve just been letting my mood dictate things that I accomplish for the day – but this game helps me focus on some of the things I never make time for!

After I show you all the cleaning and fun cards that I was destined to draw, I end this video with a clip from my Dad and Mom – they were only married for a short time but had 3 kids in that short time, I am the oldest – my mom is 6 months pregnant with my brother Christopher. I was only 2, almost 3 so I was talking a lot, but you probably can’t understand me very well.

The coolest part of this video is the story my mom tells my dad about meeting Jimmy Stewart. You know, the actor from my favorite Christmas movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” – it’s so cool that she met him! She used to be the manager at the Hotel Utah gift shop in the 80’s. Oh sure, she might’ve sent him on a useless walk while he had a tummy ache, but how many people can say that they steered Jimmy Stewart on a wild goose chase?

Haha – my Mom can!

Then we end this video with my DadDee, talking to the camera like I do now… I grew up on the camera, it’s no wonder why I’m comfortable in front of it. I sure miss him. Did you know that he had 5 more kids after I was born? Yup! 3 with my mom and 3 with my stepmom. I really wish my Dad hadn’t died though. He’d be 63 right now, and he’d be a Grandpa of 9 Grandkids that he never got to meet. He died when I was only 17, and my baby sister was only 1 – that left a big giant hole in our family’s hearts.

He died of non-Hodgkins lymphoma -cancer in his pancreas. He was only 38 years old. I miss him every day. But I am sooo grateful to these videos that he left us, it’s the next best thing to having him here with us.

Thank you for letting me share these memories with you – and thank you for reading – it gives me a space to talk about him… and keep his memory alive. Please respond in the comments below if you relate to anything in this video.

Thank you again for your time.

Music: Memories by Markvard
& Memories by bensound

Website: https://deslobstudent.wordpress.com/

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