Day: January 20, 2020

Bin Project #1 ~ Declutter with Me

Ok, so maybe this video isn’t really anything spectacular.
I mean, if you watch it until the end, I really don’t **do** anything different except for clean out the bin all the stuff was in and organize it a little better.

My excuse is…

I don’t really have a place to put all of this stuff…

But the good news is, it’s not just sitting next to the fireplace, just below my desk collecting dust anymore. I even threw some of the trash away that I found inside this bin.
So I guess that’s a start.

Plus, the items are all related to each other. It’s not like it’s a bin full random stuff. (I have MANY bins full of random stuff.)

I also gave the bin-full-of-scout-stuff a new home – yes, I will clean up the fireplace area one of these days, I promise.

Like I said, I have many more bins that I need to organize. We’ll just call this, Bin Project #1.

Hopefully, Bin Project #2 will be a little bit more productive than this one was.